Our Vision

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Our school seeks to compliment established educational structures and schools by offering learning to our students outside of regular class times.  It is our desire to help students who may be struggling with motivation in a typical classroom setting and inspire them to rediscover the joy of learning. 

私たちの学校は、通常の授業時間外に生徒たちに学びを提供することで、既存の教育構造や学校を補完することを目的としています。 通常の授業ではモチベーションが上がらないという生徒を助け、学ぶことの楽しさを再発見させることが私たちの願いです。

The Vision

How will we get there?

Our first steps are to develop workshops and courses that develop students in 21st Century skills and global competencies.  These skills are typically underdeveloped in traditional education structures and can be developed by our school outside of the regular school time period.  

We will also work, over time, to develop partners that will provide opportunities for our students, and allow us to invest in a campus project that will bring our full vision to life. 


私たちの最初のステップは、21世紀型スキルとグローバルコンピテンシーを身につけた生徒を育成するワークショップやコースを開発することです。 これらのスキルは、従来の教育構造では一般的に十分に開発されていないため、本校では通常の授業時間外に開発することが可能です。 



To lead the world towards a better future where the SDG goals are met can only be provided through education that has not yet existed. We want to build the kind of school that will not only prepare students for a VUCA world, but will begin to design solutions now. By utilizing the unique power and potential of the adolescent stage of human development, placing them in an environment that is designed for them, and supports this stage of development, and connecting that to businesses, creators, and innovators who are looking for solutions which are sustainable, we will develop a generation of world shapers who are prepared to thrive and create the future we all hope for.

